About Me


Weekly Dental Hygiene Tips & News from West Allis Perio

“A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose”

– Tom Wilson

As a dentist, I’ve diagnosed and treated a wide range of oral issues and helped my patients maintain brighter, healthier teeth. With my specific focus as a periodontist, I provide dental implants and diagnose, treat, and assist in the prevention of periodontal diseases.

Having been a dental practitioner for ten years, I’ve accumulated a deep knowledge of the human mouth and wants to share that expertise with my community. Based in West Allis, Wisconsin, I’ve worked with hundreds of patients and thousands of teeth. In this blog I cover topics including best morning and evening dental habits, how to reduce teeth staining, and the leading causes of periodontal/ gum disease.

For those who aren’t aware of periodontal disease, it’s the buildup and hardening of bacteria along the teeth. Which leads to painful, bleeding gums, sensitive chewing, and in some cases tooth loss. While genetics play a role in the buildup of plaque, the largest contributor is poor teeth maintenance. Including inconsistent flossing and poor brushing technique. There’s a lot that goes into the protection of teeth, which is why I’m here to help!

Ensuring a happy, healthy mouth comes down to knowledge and execution. My goal is to provide trusted, professional guidance that empowers everyone in Wisconsin and the world to have pearly white smiles.

I’m always excited to answer questions and recommend next steps for oral care, so feel free to fill out the contact form on the contact us page. I’ll respond as quickly as possible and may even address the question/ comment in one of my articles.

Keep flossing,


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